Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

40 things stolen from crazy mom

No I didnt steal anything from her literally lol

Do you like bleu cheese? no

Have you ever smoked? yea I thought I was cool

Do you own a gun? a gun no several guns YES a .22, 20 ga, 30.06, I want a .17

Favorite type of food? Chinese

Favorite type of music? 80's & 90's Metal, newer music, country

What do you think of hot dogs? mmmmm

Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Carol the one with George C Scott

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? coffee or mountain dew

Can you do push-ups? I could but I wont lol

What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? wedding set and 2nd engagement ring

Favorite hobby? tatting

Do you have A. D. D.? ha ha sometimes i wander

Do you wear glasses/contacts? glasses my eyes arent so good

Middle name? Ann

Name three thoughts at this exact moment: this headache needs to go away, i hope i dont throw up from my headache, i wish everyone would shut up

Name three drinks you regularly drink: iced tea, water, coffee

Current worry? life

Current hate right now? those who tell me my sons ADHD is just an excuse, and that he just needs disciplined more, and i am a horrible mother

Favorite place to be? here with my family

How did you bring in the new year? in bed

Someplace you’d like to go? a honeymoon ANYWHERE

Name three people who will complete this. ? ?? ???

Do you own slippers? yes but prefer bare feet

What color shirt are you wearing? brown

Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? never tried them and have no desire too

Can you whistle? yep.

Where are you now? in my tatting chair agonizing over this headache

Would you be a pirate? only if Jack Sparrow was a pirate withme ;)

What songs do you sing in the shower? depends on what ever is in my head

Favorite Girl’s Name? Shannan

Favorite boy’s name? Nathaniel

What is in your pocket right now? dont have a pocket

Last thing that made you laugh? my husband trying to make me laugh.

What vehicle do you drive? currently none

Worst injury you’ve ever had? blood poisioning from a thorn

Do you love where you live? YES

How many TVs do you have in your house? 2

How many computers do you have in your house? 3 working 1 non working

If you changed your job, what would it be? I always wanted to be an archaeologist.

If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?? my sister to wake the heck up and see what she is doing, NOTHING to ever happen to my mom, dad, brother, hubby or kids, over come my low esteem

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