Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday March 30, 2010

Well this is the final TTT for March I did get some tatting done today but with trying to get other things done it wasnt easy well that is until we lost power and phone for awhile. blame it on the wind, must have known I needed a time out lol
My mood wasnt too great today, on occasion I get in these moods where I feel worthless, stupid, fat, ugly etc... Sometimes its triggered by something other times its not, I tend to just shut myself off or act like its all ok. I was and still am in a bit of this mood today, I am tired, must be all the crap adding up at once who knows I think it partly has to do with not having a vehicle for the past 2 months and still wont until atleast the end of April. Easter is Sunday, I am not completely prepared but whatever... It was sunny off and on today but a bit windy I decided to take the camera for a little walk it was nice and refreshing, but chilly, it picked me up some but not fully...

I seen the mail man come but waited until I got Shannan off the bus to check it and imagine my surprise when my package from LADY-SHUTTLE-MAKER came in the mail, I had ordered a custom hook pen awhile back and fell in love with it and decided to order another set of size 10-11-12-13-14 custom made white with blue and my name on them. WOW is all I got to say about them there are no other words but WOW!!!! Its awesome as awesome can be... Its georgous see how all them make up a tatted doily how NEAT-O!!!

Now for the tatting I did today... Nothing spectacular really


victats@gmail.com said...

pretty cool! Now you have a set of hooks.

TypsTatting said...

Love your tatted thingy's and the Pen Hooks are a work of art!!!! I know how you feel, I felt like that the other week and told my D.H. that I wanted to sell and live by the beach. Anyway we will do that but not for a few years yet!!!

Lelia said...

Delightful pens - your tatting is just awesome!!! Nothing spectacular? Are you kidding me?

I was messing with rings & trying to figure out a SIMPLE rabbit --- oh my, what a mess i ended up with

Isdihara said...

Wow, just WOW - is what I say when I see your hummingbird and swan! Having a whole set of personalized hook pens makes you a QUEEN in my book!

This weekend it is supposed to be a bit more sunny in my corner of Tat Land. Hoping it is sunny in yours too!

mica said...

Love the swan pendant. Is it your own pattern?