Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday March 9, 2010 part 2 of 2

I have a bit of an announcement to make. Pretty soon I shall have a booklet ready for purchasing, no its not the Tatted Ladies book YET.
Its called Afternoon Tatting
 I am really hoping this will be the first of many 'afternoon tatting' books
This book has 12 designs, fairly simple, only 1 of the 12 uses 2 shuttles, the rest are shuttle and ball. Each design uses 9 beads, dunno why 9 was the lucky number but it just was.

I still have 2 gals testing for me so once they are finished up I can get everything finalized and ready. I really need to thank JANE EBORALL she granted me special permission to use her adding a bead to picot technique to my book not just the link but the whole tutorial so THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH JANE!!! I also want to thank my testers, Aileen, Isdihara, Sunela, Leah, and Crazy Mom Tats...

Patterns are written as well as drawn out, and I have to send a thank you to Sherry (lady shuttle maker) for being so kind as to give me the drawing program in exchange for my books. Without that program I would still be cursing out my PSP7 program when it dosent agree with what I want it to do.

The cover of the book was approved  by my daughter I was messing around last week trying to figure out how to do it and she gave me a few ideas and I think the cover looks WONDERFUL!

I did end up tatting a little bit today but nothing worth showing, my mind was pre-occupied with other things and stuff going on. Right now I am not in the best of moods either. I could eat all the chocolate candies I made earlier but I wont.

Ok gonna nurse this headache and try not to cough because it makes my head feel worse.

I hope to have some tatting to show off tomorrow Maybe I will get my March Heart finished, awww heck I finished the center of it last night I must show you


ok in this picture on the left you will see the original it was scrapped it didnt seem right to me so the right one is on the right...


Maggie said...

I am already in line to purchase my copy. Hope those ladies shuttles and needles are flying fast and furious tot est your designs!

Isdihara said...

Ooh, am I second in line to purchase your book? Can't wait!

The designs I tested are truly inspired! I will be showing my test tats very soon!

Feel better soon!

Bonnie said...

A new book? YooHoo, count me in.
I hope your feeling better soon!

Carol Lawecki said...

Congratulations Heather! Can't wait to see what designs are in the book. The swan on the front is darling!!

*♥* Heather *♥* said...

WOW thank you so much everyone... You do keep me going I love you all for that!! ((HUGS))

BeadweaverDeb said...

I will definitely get one too! Of course! Love your stuff. I am in line for your ladies too.

If you need any help with anything give me a call.