Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Friday, April 2, 2010

HAPPY (belated) International Tatting Day

Sorry dear tatting friends that I missed out on Tatting yesterday but the headache I had the day before wasnt present when I woke i got the kids up to the bus and then walked around for probably 20 minutes came in and was a bit hungry so I nibbled on some Quaker Oat Squares cereal YUM!! and then it hit, my head started to hurt and immediately I went for the pain reliever it didnt help AT ALL I ended up feeling blah the whole day. i did in fact tat but by looking at it it dosent seem like much but its the 6th try to get it right :)


These are half marbles you can buy them ANYWHERE these are the smaller ones I used size 20 thread on these ones Its something I been wanting to do for awhile but its really all I got done yesterday. I still have the headache but its FINALLY easing up of course the weather isnt helping one day last week it was 30*  today its 82* I dont like it

Today we had to break the news to the kids about Easter Bunny, Santa and Tooth Fairy, why today right before Easter, some kids are just plain rude and nasty, for awhile now my kiddos have been asking, I been lying and I think they already knew so really it didnt shock them, I dont like them knowing the truth right now, but I knew it was coming after all they are nearly 10 and 11...

I tried sending this about 2 hours ago and it kept giving me errors lets try again :)


Walden said...

Very nifty, I love the shadow it creates. Never would have thought of something like that.

Paula C. said...

The tatted half marbles are cute. What are they for? Ornaments or paperweights? Cute idea!
I'm sorry you had such a headache. Hope you feel better today =)

Miranda said...

What a great idea! I think I have a bag of those marbles somewhere; I'll have to dig them out.

I don't know that it's so bad for the kids to know the truth. I know it seems like a loss of innocence, but I think it's just as nice for them to know that all that stuff comes from Mom and Dad.

I hope you feel better soon.

Jane S. said...

Do you get migraines from food allergies? My dad is severely allergic to rice, wheat, milk...and whenever he eats anything with those ingredients he immediately gets a headache. It just sounded so familiar to me when you said you'd eaten the cereal and then got a headache.

Hope it goes away soon, those are NOT FUN.

Jane S.