Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday April 6, 2010

Todays Tatting Tea Tuesday is ehhhhh a day full of stuff, both good and bad I guess...
The bad first, MY ADHD CHILD, stealing and of course lying again, I actually started to believe him last night but I should have known not to believe him, Grrrrrr! That had me in an upset kind of mood most of the day!
I nearly forgot it was Tatting Tea Tuesday and I had a special plan for today, see my sister, hmmmm how to describe her I dont know, I dont want to sound mean but she is always on a pity me kick, and poor me etc... I am sure you know what I mean, my poor mother has to put up with her and other things at the house, I know she is going crazy, my sister dosent want to stick to any hobbies or anything, so on Easter I pretty much told her she was being taught tatting and that was all there was to it, she showed up today which is a miracle all in itself, and she is being taught needle first then shuttle the way I learned and the way I am teaching my daughter. She did pretty well and i gave her homework for next Tuesday to have atleast 2 motifs done correctly... I really really hope she sticks with it and gives my poor mom a break from her attitude and stuff. No pictures this time I was just so glad she did it and seemed to enjoy it.
Its supposed to be spring here in Pennsylvania but it feels more like mid July its HOT I hate the heat and this is making me really irritable. So today I got smart and put on the fan right away and it isnt too bad here in my corner but still kind of stuffy...

I did end up taking some pictures this morning we had a thunderstorm with rain this morning it was weird I hate thunder so you can imagine I wasnt to happy. After the kids went to school I walked around a bit in between sprinkles and sunshine and took a few nice springy shots.
I didnt have to cook today because we had left over ham and stuff sooooo that left me some time for tatting and I have created some beautious things see... i am having way too much fun with what i am doing and there is much much more to come of these...
I made another covered half marble here they are both together...
These were Easter gifts for my mom and sister... Left is an amethyst carved bear with a little motif attached for my mom. Next is a seahorse carved from Ocean Agate stne necklace for my sister with some tatting. and Last is a cell phone charm thing for my sister with glass beads, she loves it.

And this is the boss supervising my shuttle work making sure I have the required amount of stitching in place... And yes when I tat she is usually standing on my shoulder like that or laying on top of the chair. What a silly little dog she is but I love her...


Isdihara said...

Thanks for posting your progress for Tatting Tea Tuesday. Loved seeing all the great photos!

Relief from the heat wave is in sight. More springlike temps are on the horizon. Hurray!

Paula C. said...

Very nice tatting! I am quite fascinated with those tatted half marbles. Will you be making that pattern available? Please =)