Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The things WE teach our children...

Those of you who are parents will know exactly where I am coming from...
You know how you teach your kids to be kind, have respect, have manners, to be helpful, and caring and most importantly to SHARE... Well the sharing is one thing I wish i would not have taught my kids because as I get older and my immunity gets weaker and as my kids get older and their immunity gets stronger. I get 'things' more often. Well my daughter got a cold the first week of school and then my son got it, and now you guessed it they SHARED it with me. It started yesterday I thought i could ignore it and well I cant. I ache, my throat is sore, I am coughing, my ears hurt and my neck hurts. Basically I feel like POOP!! lol I fnally get rid of the 2 week headache and now I get a cold. BLAH!! I dont even feel like tatting, but I am gonna do something other than sit here. I am only kidding about not teaching our children to share but its a thought ;)
Have a good day all

1 comment:

Ladytats said...

sorry you are under the weather, hope you feel better soon.