Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Friday, March 5, 2010

bit of everything

Well I am feeling somewhat better, no longer achy or as tired but still drained. I got me a nice cough now and barely a voice, my kiddos are happy lol

I kept Shannan home the last few days she has had a sore throat and congested but no fever, so I thought it best she stay home.

I have been holding out on you all... On Facebook there is a group called TATTING and the owner set forth a challenge of tatting a heart a month so I stepped it up and decided to design a heart a month.

Here is January

Here is February

I had Februarys designed for a few weeks BUT wasnt real thrilled with the original so I changed it up a little and perfected it this morning

I got an email the other day from a young girl who loved my tatting designs she told me she was 11 years old, and from Sweeden, I was happy to get that its nice to see younger ones interested in tatting. She told me that I should try tatting that peticular design in silver I am not clear as to which snowflake she had done. But it made me smile.

Then the other day I also got another email from Georgia Seitz, she asked me if I would like to share one of my designs with the online class WOO HOO :) Now to think of somthine to share. WOW! I am so happy I was asked :)

I know there was more I wanted to say but all this coughing I think some of my brains may have fallen out HA HA!!!

I am sure I will remember when I hit PUBLISH POST lol


Anonymous said...

Your January heart is nice, but your February is my favorite. Will you be publishing your patterns? Very nice. Hope you get feeling better right away.

Isdihara said...

Congratulations on your marvelous heart designs! They are outstanding!

I will catch up with you, have been missing you all day today. Gotta go jump in the car to pick up Big Daddy from work. Try not to cough up a lung!

Maggie B. said...

Congratulations on being asked to contribute to the online tatting class - quite an honor. You have some wonderful patterns so I am sure it will be difficult to choose which one to share.

Martha said...

Oooh, I really like February! I'll be looking forward to March...

Tatskool said...

Your feb heart is brill. Hope you are feeling better.

victats@gmail.com said...

I like the non traditional approach of the February heart.

*♥* Heather *♥* said...

WOW thank you all so much!! I thought everyone would like January best :) THANK YOU!!! I am feeling a little better today (very little) THANKS!!

Sharon D. said...

Love the hearts. But February is my favorite. Cannot wait to see March's.