Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Monday, March 8, 2010


Well its Monday (again) after last week feeling like crap today I am feeling somewhat better, still coughing like a nut, sore throat is off and on, stuffed head and nose, my voice is pretty well gone due to my anger with my son last night he lied to me for quite awhile and I yelled well tried to anyways and it hurt my throat further, being sick and tired makes me so cranky... KIDS... I am working away at tatting and the books are getting closer to completion I am getting more excited and I even invested in something to make my books more appealing. you will see that soonish :)

Hubby ordered me to not do anything today hmmmmm that is funny, I am not doing alot but dishes and laundry are top priority as is making supper I am thinking meatball stew, YUMMY!! The sun has been shining here and I LOVE IT!!! there is a little bit of ground showing but only up by the road it may be some time before we see it down by the house my back yard goes almost up to my rear end LOL

I even walked around this morning taking some pictures, I will show a few of my faves like always lol
I managed to see a pair of mountain blue birds which I knew they were around here but never seen them I didnt get a pictures because I was admirinig them they were pretty much above my head and I didnt want to move too quickly and scare them away. This little guy scared me today I heard a weird noise and he jumped off my husbands backhoe arm hit the hood of my coat and ran then he decided that since he scared the heck out of me to pose for the camera lol

Hope you all have a good Monday!!

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