Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Monday, March 8, 2010

Hello, my name is Heather...

... and I am addicted to hook pens and Tatting Shuttles...

Here is my collection so far... You will notice I said SO FAR...

I requested either my name in blue or blue flowers...

She did both and the flowers are HEATHER and they are even blue...

I am going to order 4 more custom ones with my name because they are awesome...

Because I just might lose 1...

Because well I just want to and that is all there is to it...

The shuttle addiction confession will be posted at another time...


Crazy Mom Tats! said...

admiting the addiction is the first step of the 12 step processs.

Hello, I'm the Crazy Mom, and I'm addicted to HDT. And beads. And I own at least 35 shuttles.

Happy Bluebird said...

LOL. And here I was thinking I was crazy to be wanting all of these collections. So far, I've been able to resist, but seeing that my addiction is not nearly as severe as yours, I am softening. I REALLY want a hook pen. (or two).

Vanessa said...

These hook pens look really good. They might just be my solution to losing so many crochet hooks in the lounge chair....

Lelia said...

They are so pretty! I just bought a clover crochet hook with handle & cap ... It is boring compared with your collection!