Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Monday, March 29, 2010

March heart for the heart a month challenge

still not real sure i like it


TypsTatting said...

That heart is super cute! And I love your Blog Change.

Fox said...

Terrific heart and I LOVE your new look!
Fox : )

Val said...

interesting... while the heart patterns i've seen as far are mirror images of each other on the left and right, yours is made up of 2 different motifs. good effort!

❦TattingChic said...

Heather that heart is absolutely darling! Look at this fabulous blog! What a cute background! I ♥ it!
Oh, I am having a blogoversary giveaway and I do hope you come and join in the fun! It's a "learn to tat" book and of course you know how to tat but I'm sure you can think of someone to give it to or use the patterns or something! :)
Do come over! You've been a lovely tatting friend the past 2 years!
~TattingChic ♥

❦TattingChic said...

Hey there! You're entered in the giveaway! Good luck to you!
~TattingChic ♥