Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Monday, March 29, 2010

thought it would look nice...

you know that little earring motif I inquired about yesterday I envisioned putting 3 together as a georgous necklace center piece Ummmmmm NO it looked horrible not really that bad but it wasnt nice to me at all
it does look nice but not as a necklace...


BeadweaverDeb said...

It looks nice, Heather, but if you want to try something different, maybe make the 2 on the sides smaller.
o0o - something like that.

Fox said...

Looks like 3 arm-linked, Russian dancers! Lovely!
Fox : ))

Miranda said...

Maybe you could tat something along the top joining to the 3 rings to hold the 3 motifs at just the right angle. It looks perfect in the picture, but I imagine it would flop on a necklace unless you add something to stabilize it.