Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday May 4, 2010

This will be short as I want to shower before the crew gets home. I know its a day late. I did tat, but I cant show you or even tell you what it is or was. I was threatened with having my shuttles threads and all my tatting supplies taken away from me LOL only kidding but I am sworn to secrecy for now...


Isdihara said...

The tatting conspiracies abound lately, hee hee!

Through my amazing powers of deduction, I surmise, my dear Watsons, that wonderful things are coming to us all...

*♥* Heather *♥* said...

the conspiracies are unlawful better watch out for the tatting police... I think I hear them coming, I am gonna hideeee.........