Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Friday, March 26, 2010

OOOOoooooo Shiny

Well I have recently acquired some shuttles made in India I bought SEVERAL the pricing wasnt so bad I found them on ebay and they have an online shop as well HERE I was messing around today and thought I would show you my WIP but the way its going the WIP might get whipped out the window because this is probably the 8th time I tried and I do need to start over AGAIN lol I really like this shuttle its not real light its got some weight to it but over all its wonderful its plated brass I believe.

I got my huge thread order last night and I was so happy so soon I shall start dying again along with some ~*"...NEW..."*~  items... Are you curious yet? he he he he you will have to wait and see what I am talking about :)
I gotta run to walmart again tonight UGH!! I hate it there heck I hate shopping in general but I need to buy a new shuttle case my collection has out grown my box and I still have 9 coming in the mail... OMG did I just say 9... Thanks Jane you got me away from the needle now you created a shuttle addict THANK YOU and my hubbys wallet thanks you too ;)

ok my monsters shall be home soon then hubby following soon after, and I just realized easter is a week away OMG I really hope part of the easter gifts I ordered off etsy will be here in time ...

Have a wonderful day all and if you havent read my post about crying while I cook maybe you should all the way to the end ;)


Lelia said...

Pretty shuttle! thx for sharing the link, too

BeadweaverDeb said...

Can't wait to see what you come up with in dying your threads.
You have my curiosity peaked!

Bonnie said...

I like your shiny shuttle.

I greatly dislike having to go to Walmart too! Did you get a new shuttle case? Can I see?