Heather's Free Tatting Patterns


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tatting Tea Tuesday, May 11, 2010 & Photo of the Day!!

First I have to show you this photo I took the other day... Its amazing... I am even in awe of some of my photos and think, did I take this? This one you definately have to click and open up to see the larger view. CHECK IT OUT and let me know what you think.
Now for Tatting Tea Tuesday. I am drinking a nice large glass of Southern Style Sweet Iced Tea. My favorite. I had some running to do today and got home late. I did tat some early this morning. I finished this which is perfect length for a necklace or earrings they are a bit long but I think they are georgous!

I am still upset about my son with what he said on Saturday, and last night he got mad at me and said "just don't talk to me" :( KIDS!!!

Its kind of snowing here today snowy slushy sleet CRAP!! yuk... My allergies are still getting me I pretty much sound like a duck LOL the reason I said duck is my daughter said that one time when my voice was all squeaky and it cracked me up...

Here are photos of the shuttles hubby got me for Mothers day! He got them at the Antique Depot, the lady who sold them to hubby was just watching the booth for someone, but she knew all about tatting and said how wonderful it was that people are still doing it. He bragged me all up. LOL
The most expensive one was the black one it was $15, the other 2 were $10 each. I know for a fact that the Susan Bates shuttle is older because look at the price 39 CENTS wow could you imagine if shuttles only cost that much :D lol Now the red one I told hubby I already have one BUT upon further inspection the red one I have that I bought a few years ago was made in China and this one he bought is made in the USA. The black shuttle says nothing. I really need to find a resource book with old shuttles and their value what era or years they were made blah blah blah... I have several assumed antique shuttles and would love to see if I got taken or if they are REALLY old.

I still can't show you my moms Mother's Day gift because she hasen't gotten it yet, I don't know if I should go tomorrow or wait til I am all over this crap... Grrrrr! Hubby and I decided the kids will stay Saturday night :D I need  a break especially from my son. I really don't know how Crazy Mom Tats does it...

On Friday also I decided to take some time for myself I dyed my hair a nice auburn color and put highlights in myself as well and it turned out really nice. I usually do dye my own hair but have never attempted highlights. Hubby wanted to treat me to a pampering day but the cost was UNREAL my hair is about shoulder length and kind of thick and for cut style color and highlight it was going to be $140 give or take $20... YIKES!!! I wanted to hide my grey lol my hair is a natural red and this is a bit darker than mine but still has red in it :D
Not sure if you can see the copper colored highlights with the auburn. Yep and those are natural curls too they were a bit tamer than usual today, thank you Suave Mousse lol

I guess that will be all for now who knows I may be back for more :D



TypsTatting said...

That flower is absolutely stunning, you lucky girl getting those neat shuttles!!!!!!! And the bracelett turned out nice.

Deb in WV said...

I LOVE the dandelion picture. Very nice. I hope you'll be listing it on etsy!


Donnelly said...

What a great gift your hubby gave you! Love the shuttles. I have a metal on like the one you have that was given to me by a friend about 26 years ago! Thanks for sharing!
Have an awesome day!

Isdihara said...

Wow, what a wonderful bloom! And your tatting looks terrific too.

Can't say enough good things about your new 'do -- love the color and the highlights. I have never been brave enough to cover my own gray. (Can't afford to pay to have it done either, so y'all get to see it. At least for now.)

Gotta re-lurk as I am sneaking in a tiny bit of Internet time using public access. Still no router replacement! AUGH!

Miranda said...

Hey, Heather, check out the book Tatting Shuttles of American Collectors by Heidi Nakayama for good info on antique shuttles.

Your hair came out really pretty.

Tatskool said...

The photo is BRILLIANT, so is your hair.